Monday, September 27, 2010

Sunday Worship at TBC 9.26.2010

Standing on the Promises
Thy Word
Ancient Words
We Believe
How Firm a Foundation

Jesus' Prayer and the Word of God
John 17:6-19, esp. verse 17

"Your Word is Truth": The Nature of Scripture- What the Bible IS
1. God's Word is inspired.
2. God's Word is inerrant.
3. God's Word is infallible.
4. God's Word is knowable.
5. God's Word is timeless.
6. God's Word is authoritative.

"Sanctify them by the Truth": The Work of Scripture- What the Bible Does
1. God's Goal- Our Sanctification
2. God's Means- His Word
3. God's Requirement- Study and Application

Listen to the sermon here.

Take the 90 Day New Testament Challenge here.

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