Friday, July 10, 2009

Celebrating Calvin's 500th Birthday

500 years ago today, John Calvin was born. If you don't know who he is, just google his name. To celebrate his birthday I was going to list 500 things I appreciate about him... but that would take a long time. So instead, here is a list of 5 :-)

1. I appreciate the Institutes of the Christian Religion. Love him or hate him, Calvin's systematization of theology has had profound influence on every theologian since.

2. I appreciate Calvin's Commentaries. This is a rich set of studies over many (not all) of the books of the Bible. Great devotional material here.

3. I appreciate Calvin's Sermons. Similar to the commentaries, but much more pastoral.

4. I appreciate Calvin's love for Scripture and high view of God.

5. I appreciate how Calvin has discipled me five centuries later.


The Mr. said...

I've always appreciated his facial hair.

GW said...

I've always appreciated Hobbs

Midwest Razorback said...

Ditto to both facial hair and Hobbs.

GW said...

check our Lesson Maker 8 for SS.