Friday, October 1, 2010

Values and Priorities

We all have values and priorities. These guide us personally and shape the way we lead and influence others, either in our families, churches, or businesses. As a Christians, husband, father, and pastor, I've given a lot of thought to what is most important, what I value on a personal level and what I want to pass on to others. They are:
  • Glorifying God
  • Loving Others (God first, family, friends, neighbors, and enemies)
  • Being Wise
  • Knowing and Obeying Scripture
  • Praying
  • Making Disciples
  • Being respectful
  • Learning and growing
These eight values overlap and intersect. However, it has been helpful for me to think in these categories. Next week, Lord willing, I hope to share Scriptures for each value along with some helpful books for each one.

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